Since purchasing our Jeep Wrangler we have taken a couple of short drives. We kept our trips short because we wanted to find any issues that might begin to show from driving it. The Jeep is used with 137K miles and even though it had a certified CarFax report you never really know how well...
Jeep Night At Gas Monkey Bar and Grill
Our first jeep event since buying our jeep, Woohoo! Well, before I get too deep into the event I should mention that we found out about the event weeks before we had even bought our Jeep. I saw it posted by The North Texas Jeep club and mentioned it to Scott. Scott laughed and said...
Dallas Texas Truck & Jeep Fest 2019
Yesterday Scott and I went to our first Jeep type event. It was the Dallas Truck & Jeep Fest put on by 4WP. It showcased products like custom trucks and Jeeps, product demonstrations, factory direct pricing on truck and Jeep accessories and parts along with hourly giveaways. One of my favorite parts was that the...
Visiting the Houston Space Center, What you Need to Know
I can finally mark visiting the Houston Space Center off my list of places to see. Houston is about a five-hour drive for us so we started out around 6:00 am. Our first stop was at Buc-ee's for gas. While we were there we had to look around and Scott found a little stuffed Buc-ee...
Regency Suspension Bridge San Saba Texas
When Scott asked me where I wanted to go first in the jeep I instantly knew, the Regency Bridge in San Saba, Texas. We had been to the bridge before on our motorcycles but we have both mentioned wanting to go back. The drive out to the bridge is a full day and very scenic....